The ACADS-BSG computer program SPRINK-2000 can be used to analyse automatic fire sprinkler systems with a simple end, side or centre fed configuration or more complicated looped and gridded systems designed specifically for use in North America. It may also be used to analyse fire hydrant and hose reel installations or combined sprinkler, hydrant and/or hose reel systems or any other systems where the discharges can be represented by a k factor and minimum flow. With a given sized network the program performs a complete hydraulic analysis determining the water flow in, and pressure drop though, each pipe in the entered network taking account of all fittings entered by the user.
The Main Screen of SPRINK-2000
The main features of the program are:
The Pipes Data Entry Screen
The Fitting Selection Screen
A Grid with two Main Pipes, Ten Range Pipes and 14 Operating Sprinklers
Setting the Elevation for a Gridded System with Rising Main Pipes.
Selecting the Operating Sprinklers in a Gridded System
The Summary Results