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August 28, 2020

The trend is clear. Software is moving to a SaaS model at a rapid pace and for good reason. The lower up-front costs and ease of use are too good to ignore. Today users want availability anywhere, any time and only cloud based applications can deliver on these new expectations. Users enjoy more flexibility with...

August 26, 2020

Back in April we asked our software users to reach out to us if they were interested in beta testing our new software versions. We appreciate your support and are currently in the midst of beta testing. We are working on the development of new cloud-based versions of HYENA and CAMEL to give you a...

April 21, 2020

From the feedback we have received from the surveys so far, we have been able to implement and adjust our software updates accordingly in line with user feedback. The prime focus has been to make our products more accessible to you, and with more flexible and economical options than currently on offer. As we are...

April 3, 2020

Dear Beaver Users, Effective May 1st 2020, the energy evaluations that a computer program must consider in order to comply with the National Construction Code (NCC) will be expanded upon. The changes include variations to permitted values in load tables, the requirement to account for additional variable water temperatures, and overall compliance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard...

February 18, 2020

Thank you for taking the time to complete the first round of survey questions from late 2019. Your feedback is critical to ACADS-BSG and your feedback will shape the products we create and refine. Based on the early findings of the first round of surveys, circa 60% of both CAMEL and HYENA responses are requesting...

December 16, 2019

Over the month of October 2019, we conducted a tour of training days for both Camel and Hyena in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne. We were overwhelmed with how popular the training was with most of the training sessions selling out! For those that missed out, we are in the process of scheduling training for 2020 so be...

The user interface for HYENA+ is much cleaner and more user friendly than the UI used for the original HYENA program. This makes the experience more enjoyable, easy, and less taxing when using the program for long periods of time. HYENA is an excellent tool to have and its now web-based nature with HYENA+ has allowed it to become even more beneficial.

– M. Cummings

It has always been a pleasure dealing with ACADS-BSG team due to their helpful nature and quick response time to any inquiries and technical issues. Camel\Hyena works out of the box and install time is in seconds, I cannot recommend any other company that provides better customer service other than Catherine and her team.

– Marvin D

Catherine and the team at ACADS provide customer service of the highest standards always offering the best solutions for our business with fast response times. I would highly recommend ACADS-BSG.

– Amy

The ACADS BSG suite of software has been used by VOS Group for 30 years. We as a company have grown as the software capabilities have changed with usability and technology. The support from head office has always been quick and accurate, with a resolve to overcome any obstacles. We have always found the outputs to be accurate and reliable and a good basis for good engineering design.

– Shayne C

Moving to a cloud based platform has improved the overall performance of the software. [being able to log in from any device] has improved my overall productivity as I only need to carry my smart phone or a tablet, and I can do my job remotely. Tools and functions are clearly organised within the new interface reducing any confusion for a new user. Copy+ Paste option saves a lot of time for Engineers like me. It just works like an Excel Sheet, where you can copy items and paste them somewhere else. It saves a lot of time especially if you are working on a single project and you want to do multiple calculations.

[HYENA+] allows me to quickly switch from one calculation to another without losing any data. This has reduced the overall lead time in doing calculations. I am sure [HYENA+] will have a positive impact on the Fire Industry.

– Ahkil M