The computer program TEMPER was developed by the CSIRO. It calculates the sensible and latent air conditioning heating and/or cooling loads for a specified indoor air temperature and humidity within the various air conditioned zones of a building. Alternatively the program can calculate the indoor air temperature in these zones given a specified heating or cooling effect. Provision is also available to model plant failure so that the time to reach a particular indoor temperature can be estimated.
The heat flow through all solid boundaries is calculated over short time increments by finite difference numerical methods using the specified climatic and internal loads. Thus full account is taken of the thermal storage effects of the structure of the building.
Although the program is still a DOS program, it is a very useful program for estimating temperatures in unconditioned spaces or when the air conditioning plant fails
The Screen Where Zones are Nominated as Being in Temp or Load Mode
The Internal Loads Screen
The Building Section Data Screen
Summary Results Showing Total Loads at Time of Peak
Typical Hourly Temperature Results